Friday, 28 August 2009

WoW: How to Find Special Items

In World of Warcraft, there are specific items that are hidden in different locations in this game that are incredibly useful. These items can be sold at the Auction House or to vendors and they are a great way to make extra money in the game. Here’s a quick guide on how to find them. Black Lotus – This item can be found in Winterspring. You’ll want to look for it near the cave of the blue dragon. This is the best spot, but you can also find it in the Badlands and the Eastern Plaguelands. Blood of the Mountain – You’ll find this by mining the Dark Nodes in the Searing Mountains. It is necessary for quests later on in the game as well as for those who are nearing mastering their professions. It sells incredibly well in the auction house.
Dark Runes – If you go after only one item, this should be it. They are very necessary for this game and there is a high amount of demand. You can get them by killing mobs in Scholo.
Essence of Water – You can get these items in the Felwoods, and the mobs here have a very high drop rate which makes it very lucrative to go after them.
Larval Acid – You can easily sell one of these for around 10 gold pieces, so this is another item to focus on. You can find it in the Eastern Plaguelands by grinding slugs. The drop rate is actually pretty high, so this is a great way to get gold fast.
Stonescale Eels – These can be pretty hard to find and you’ll need to try to get them late at night for the best results. Look for these on the coasts of Kalimdor. You can usually get around 1 gold piece for each one that you find.

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Auction House Tips

Since you’re going to need to sell these items in the auction house for best results, it’s important to have a good strategy to make the most money. If you are not familiar with how the auction house works, you’re going to want to sit back and watch for a few days. This will give you an idea of pricing and demand.
Don’t price your items too high or too low. The auction system will automatically give you a base price and you’ll be able to decide if you want to price it a little higher or a little lower. It’s a good idea to schedule your auctions for times when player activity is higher, such as early evening. You can easily do well at an auction during this time, while the middle of the night can be very slow.
Don’t flood the auction house with too many similar items. It can be tempting to want to dump everything you have and move on, but this is not a good strategy. Start with one of each of your more popular items and maybe three or four of the more common items. If you don’t saturate the marketplace with your items, you’ll have a better chance of getting better prices.
Resist the urge to run other players out of business by undercutting their prices too much. While it’s one thing to be competitive, it’s quite another to ruin the market for an item. This practice is frowned upon and will only win you enemies. Keep your prices fair and you’ll have a much better chance of doing well at the auction house.

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