Friday, 28 August 2009

World of Warcraft Gold Guide

Everyone who plays WoW wants to get more gold. It’s a necessity if you want to purchase the items you need like armor or weapons and it definitely comes in handy for winged mounts and skills later on in the game. The only problem is that gold certainly doesn’t grow on trees, so you’re going to have to work for it one way or another. In this World of Warcraft Gold Guide, we'll cover the various options for making gold include grinding, professions, flipping, or purchasing gold from gold sellers. In fact, for the sake of this guide, we’re going to focus on the first three. All players can easily learn these skills and once you’re in the know, it’s easy to make a ton of gold in a very short period of time. You just need to know how and where to make it. Let’s get started.

Grinding for Gold
Grinding for gold is probably the easiest way to get a lot of gold in a short amount of time. It is incredibly tedious, but there are locations and techniques that can earn up to 50 gold pieces an hour, so it is well worth the time. Most players like to spend a little time grinding while they’re questing. As an extra bonus, you’ll also be increasing your experience points, so it really can pay off in the long run.

There are a few places that you are going to want to focus on if you are serious about grinding. Most of your opportunities for high amounts of gold earned per hour are going to be in the higher levels. However, you can turn a profit by grinding mobs just about anywhere and flipping the items that they drop. We’ll get into that later in this guide.

Once you get past level 50, the opportunities really open up for quality grinding. Winterspring is a region that is chock full of mobs that will earn you 50 gold pieces an hour, so make sure you spend a lot of time here. The best places to start are is the WinterfallVillage.

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You’ll find plenty of furbolgs in this location. They are relatively easy to kill and have a high drop rate. You’ll also be able to earn your Timbermaw as an extra little bonus.

The Yeti’s in the Everlook Forest also offer some great opportunities for grinding in this region. They do minimal amounts of damage and are easy enough to overcome on your own. You’ll also want to look for the Frostsabers since they are incredibly easy targets. As you get more experience and get past Level 80, you’ll be in the Eastern Plaguelands where it is also very easy to find mobs for grinding.

The Mossflayer Zombie is an insanely easy target here and you will easily earn well past 50 gold pieces an hour with the right techniques and patience.

Professions that Earn Gold
This method of getting more gold is going to take a little bit longer, but it can be a lot more interesting than simple grinding. While all professions can make money, your best bets for profits are going to be skinning, leatherworking and blacksmithing. Secondary professions such as fishing can also earn gold, but you’ll need to have the primary skill of cooking if you really want to make any money at it.

Alchemy can also be a very good profession, but you will need to spend a lot of time gathering the necessary items or purchasing them. To start out, we really recommend skinning or blacksmithing. These mesh well with flipping, which we’ll talk about next.

In order to effectively earn gold with your profession, you’re going to need to spend a lot of time increasing your skills. This can take you away from questing, so try to balance everything out. It is well worth your time to get to a skill level of over 300, but it’s going to require a lot of patience. Once you do reach this, the items you make will be worth more money.

Flipping is a term coined to describe the process of gathering items and then selling them in the auction house or to vendors. It can also be used to describe the process of finding items at the auction house that are priced below market value and then turning them around for a profit. You can actually make quite a bit of money with flipping and it’s easy enough to integrate with your questing so you don’t lose a lot of time away from the game. For gathering, you’ll need to use some of the skills we discussed in grinding. One of the easiest ways to amass a lot of items to sell is to target mobs that have a high drop rate of valuable items. You can just keep grinding until you are satisfied with the amount of items in your possession. However, you will need to learn some basic marketing skills if you want to flip effectively.

Supply and demand is the first lesson you’ll learn when flipping. It’s a good idea to hang out in the auction house for a few days and see which items are selling the fastest. You’re going to want to focus on these, as well as rare items or more expensive items. Don’t waste your time on little drops that aren’t worth much.
If you have a lot of the same item, you are going to want to trickle it into the auction house. Don’t make the mistake of listing all of the items at once, since you will effectively destroy your own market. When you list an item, you’ll be given a suggested price. It’s a good idea to stick pretty close to this. If you under price an item too drastically, you’ll earn the ire of other auction sellers and it can be very hard to get your reputation back.
You’ll also want to choose your auction timing carefully. The best auctions are those scheduled in the early evening when the most players are available. Try to stay away from really late night auctions since they will not do as well. You’re also going to want to keep track of all of your auction items in a list so that you don’t forget what is in your inventory.
Flipping is probably the easiest way to make gold in this game if you are already grinding on the side while you are questing. It is a little slower than really focusing on grinding for gold, but you will have more time to focus on actually playing the game and leveling up, which is what it is all about.
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Oh, and for those of you who are interested in purchasing the top WoW Gold Guide that I've seen on the internet.

Check this out:
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